Petals Montessori School


“My aim is to work with today’s child. Teaching is ongoing, and I’m always learning. I feel in the field of education it is important to be updated with the system that works for the child of today. “

Soniya Donison

Mont Dip, Adv, CIDTT, Open Research,
Autism Spectrum Disorder(special need)

Trained under Montessori Centre International UK, Qualified with Montessori Diploma in 1998. Working with many Early Childhood organization in UK. Moved to India 2004, Worked with Overseas Education For You, as Regional Manager, Career counseling for Postgraduate student.

Having over ten years experience in Educational Background set up her own Pre-School in 2010, Petals Montessori School in Bangalore.

Soniya is promoting Early Childhood Education through workshops for Teachers and Trainers. As well as educating the not so privileged families about the importance of Early Childhood Education through her Mentor a Teacher Program. Working on her Open Research, Soniya is using this amazing Montessori theory on Children with Autism and Spectrum disorder, and using the traditional old Montessori Practice to work with the child of today.

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